Management of Personal Information
Patients personal health information are confidential and are kept in accordance with the RACGP standards for the management of Personal Health Information. Consistent with our commitment to quality care this practice has developed a policy to protect patient privacy in compliance with the privacy legislation. If you have any questions regarding your privacy policy please ask at the front desk for a pamphlet.​
We insure placing passwords and varying access levels on databases to limit access and protect electronic information for unauthorized interference, access, modification and disclosure.
Use and Disclosure:
We will treat strictly private and confidential. There are circumstances where we may be permitted or required by law to disclose your personal information to third parties. For example, to medicare, police, insurers, solicitors, government regulatory bodies tribunals, court of law, hospitals or debt collection agents. We may also from time to time provide statistical data to third parties for research purposes.
You entitled to access medical records. We request that you put your request in writing and we will respond to it within reasonable time . There may be a fee for the administrative costs of retrieving and providing you with copies of your medical records.
Test results are treated with restrict confidentiality in order to protect your privacy. We request that you make a follow up appointment within 7 days.
Dr. Nashed does not provide results over the phone. You may receive a call from our practice nurse in regards to abnormal results. You will be advised to make an appointment with the doctor for consultation.
Availability Of Reminder System:
We participate in the state/territory reminder system. Please inform your doctor if you wish to be excluded.
Repeat Prescription and Referrals:
In the interest of your health care, repeat prescription and referral letters will not be issued without consultation.
A referral letter that is comprehensive and accurate will assist your specialist to manage your health in the best manner possible,
Telephone Calls and emails:
Dr Nashed will take phone calls relating to you and your family health if Dr Nashed is not consulting another patient. You will be advised to leave your details and a brief message with the receptionist explaining the medical problem. Dr Nashed will contact you as soon as possible. Dr Nashed does not communicate via email for medical purposes to ensure your privacy as this is not a secure, encrypted service.
Patient Rights:
If you have a concern regarding your health care or a negative experience when visiting our practice, we would like to be informed.
All complaints are considered seriously and are opportunities to improve our services to you.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome you can refer your complaints to:
NSW Health Care Complaints Commission
Locked Mail Bag 18
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012